Thursday, May 27, 2010

Unexpectedly surprised

So the 5 year anniversary was coming and though I didn't expect we would be doing anything out of the ordinary, I decided to get our babysitter in for the night. Just in case. And before Johan and I could even celebrate, the day began and had to go on like any other day ... with the girls and all their dramatic glory! So while I dealt with Sera's resistance to go to school, Yassy's almost 2-year old antics throughout the morning, Sera's 1st meltdown at the mall, Yassy going missing for a heart-stopping 5 minutes, Sera's 2nd (only a few minutes later) meltdown, an hour of mind-numbing play-area 'fun', and finally driving home two fully exhausted girls ... Johan did (surprise, surprise! ) have something planned and I was running very late for it.

However, thankfully, Johan and I have excellent teamwork since having the girls. In a matter of 15 minutes, the girls were in bed (showered, teeth brushed, into pyjamas, and two bedtime stories each). The babysitter arrived and we were off to celebrate ... what was it, oh yah, our 5 years of marriage. It surely doesn't feel like only 5 but yes, 5 years ago, we promised many things to each other, on the beach, with our family and close friends surrounding us ... and who can forget the noisy planes taking off above us. What a blast!

For me, these past 5 years have only reaffirm the one thing I was most certain about Johan ... and that is, he was going to be the best partner for our journey ... for years and years to come.

After our dinner at Frankie's. I insisted on taking a photo though knowing us, we didn't want anyone to take the photo (go figure?) and then I decided to change it to black and white hoping to lessen our typically tired eyes (my left eye is also swollen from goodness knows what?). Happy anniversary babe!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Playing indoors

The hot weather has finally descended .... and it feels, with a fiery vengeance. Ok, maybe it's just me not used to it but sometimes, I don't think I'll ever get used to it, albeit living in the middle east for 5 years. So anyway, the air conditioning is running 24/7 and the girls are preferring to stay indoors or in the pool. The trick is to keep them entertained indoors. 'wink'

Sera, luckily, is starting to show immense interest in art and craft. She is very easily content to sit at the table or her easel doodling away. Oh and just an update on her ballet, it isn't happening. ha ha. I'm afraid my Sera is not very passionate about ballet, at least for now. Yassy is also easy to entertain at home. She is so curious about anything that her interest is piqued at the littlest things. But her one big thing at the moment is cycling her tricycle, which she does all over the apartment.

Hope every is healthy and enjoying the coming Summer!

Just got this easel for Sera from Ikea, where else, and she is loving it.

Yassy on the tricycle ... going under the 'bridge' (Sera at the table drawing away)

Oh dear, I can't understand this smile of hers. ha ha

The girls goofing around after dinner

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Routine ... as usual

I wish I could say we've had exciting days but nah, it's been pretty routine. I mean, routine is fine, it's good sometimes but the girls and I were also sick for a while. Yassy had an eye infection, on top of a very bad cough and a cold. Sera had an ear infection, which resulted from a cough and a cold. And I had a throat infection. So between the three of us, our respiratory system was dysfunctional for a few weeks. Life still went on and we still managed to squeeze in some fun. Here you go ... random photos of the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Yassy and Erik having cake at Ayda's 2nd birthday party

Another day, another party. This one was for Sera's classmate Bardia and it was held at a mother's worst nightmare but a child's paradise - Funland (a children's game arcade)

No tokens but Sera and Lucas still enjoyed the game

Yas getting henna-ed by auntie Mani.

Sera with her very elaborate henna-ed hand

Pretty hands but 'useless' for a few minutes

Sera and Yas looking very cheery going for ballet class

Friday, May 07, 2010

Pony ride

The papas, Johan and Armin, took the kids to the polo club at the Arabian Ranches this afternoon. Johan didn't tell the girls where they were going so Sera was so thrilled when she finally reached the surprise destination and Yasmin just wanted to run back to the car. Hmm. Yas is sometimes a mystery. She is such a brave heart in so many things but with animals, she is just terrified. Ahhh, she'll come around one day. I hope.

Sera chose her pony, named Barak, well ... Nicolas was actually getting saddled unto Barak but Sera only had her eyes for him. Thankfully sweet Nicolas gave into Sera easily and so the two kids went on their pony ride around the paddock. Frederic, Nicolas' younger brother even went for the ride. According to Johan, Yas observed from a distance, making sure to keep her distance.

What a nice treat for the kids, and a nicer treat for the mamas who were relaxing in some quiet time. 'wink'

At the stables where the horses greeted the boisterous kids curiously

All saddled up and ready to go

Sera with Barak. She's definitely come a long way, I remember the time when she was exactly like Yassy, afraid to go near any animal


Sera stroking Barak goodbye

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma!

The girls like to be video-ed but not necessarily photographed, if that makes sense? I think they just like to perform. ha ha. Anyway, ma, here is them wishing you 'Happy Birthday!' Hope you had a good day! We love you.

Happy Birthday Grandma! from Que Sera Sera on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 01, 2010


I finally 'caved in' and signed her up for ballet classes. It never crossed my mind to do so just because I never had ballet aspirations as a child and even now, I don't get all 'ooh and aahh' when I see little girls in the pink leotard and tu-tu. And for me, this aversion to 'girls in tu-tu' started very early on, when I was in kindergarten. I remember seeing a classmate (whose name I still remember because karma had returned in the form of her being in my primary and secondary school) in her ballet costume and I teased her, sufficiently. I know, I wasn't so sweet after all and admittedly a full fledged tom boy. I thought the ballet costume ridiculous and ahhh, too pink. Anyway, that was 5 year old me, and well, that attitude pretty much carried on throughout my life until Sera came along ...

The sky is definitely the limit when it comes to our children and unjustifiable dislikes all fade too quickly. As a parent, I'm learning to accept and embrace individuality in two of my girls. That for me, is truly the fun part. I can't say that Sera, at this age, has royal dreams of being a ballerina. Nah, not at all. I think, ballet to her, means something else. She, like so many other girls her age, just loves anything and everything PINK. So from head to toe, these little girls are dressed in pink and what do they do in their first ballet session? They dance around like butterflies! Oh my goodness, two of Sera's absolute favourite things in the whole wide world (I'm starting to even write like how she talks!).

Anyway, our two reasons for sending her for ballet class. One, because we were leaving Dubai and I wanted a little parting gift for her, a little memento. Two, her friend Elin was also in the same class so they could be 'butterflies' together. And oh, there is a three ... this particular un-snobby school didn't require them to wear all pink!