Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Girls' Night for the 6 year old!

She turning 6 came unexpectedly. Her last year has gone so fast and she has delighted us and herself with the many little and big things she had achieved. This coming August, she starts primary school ... I can't even begin to wrap my mind around it. I can STILL remember my primary years, vividly!

So for Sera's birthday party, I tossed a few ideas around with Johan first, but in the end, when I consulted with her, she only wanted a sleepover party. A small one. That is Sera, always preferring intimacy to grandiose. She chose the girlfriends she wanted to invite, went through the itinerary with me and that was that. Pretty simple and so very doable. The party started from 4pm Saturday to 10am, Sunday. It was a long party considering the girls didn't go to bed, proper, till almost 11. The girls had a good time for sure and if Sera asked for a sleepover party next year ... sure, why not?!!!

A decadent chocolate cake

Ready for the movie of the night and popcorn
A story before bedtime
All cosied up and ready for bed ... well ... they chatted for another 2 hours at least
Breakfast is served - buttermilk pancakes with lots of fruit
And an energising yoga session to end the party