Saturday, April 28, 2007


And in English, it means 'Queen's Day' ... that is, for the Dutch.

The Dutch community held a little celebration for families, at the Diplomatic Club today. The weather was sweltering to say the least, 41-degrees, but the Dutch that attended wore their 'orange' very proudly.

There was an entire itinerary planned for the afternoon, starting with the cake cutting, a very large orange coloured cake, decorated with a crown and a windmill, but of course! Our family weren't so inclined to join in with the activities, instead we found a spot of grass by the beach and planted ourselves there for the rest of the afternoon.

Can you spot the Republican?

Sera was stuck to Johan the entire afternoon ... her favourite toy ever!

Bursting with happiness!

Sera's first experience of sand

1 comment:

sunny daze said...

Johan, you really stand out from the basket of oranges, the leaf? Okay, we know green is the residential color. :)

Sera is gorgeous in that cute dress! Hmm... where are you? I realised you don't pose for pictures. Hey Johan, take some pictures for mama, please.