Saturday, September 01, 2007

TV-less ... for nearly a day

It is still BAKING outside so over the weekend, the three of us spent most of the time hibernating indoors, thank goodness for airconditioning! And if we attempt to venture out, we only have to leave our airconditioned house, drive in our airconditioned Jeep and into the very uncomfortably airconditioned malls. Pretty depressing in my opinion, but that is simply how we can survive the summer heat. Just one of the necessary evils living here, in the middle of the desert.

Yesterday, out of the blue and while having breakfast, I voiced my concern to Johan about our TV consumption especially in the presence of Sera. What??? Ha ha, yes you see I read this article from a 'parenting' magazine (my first time ever) and this particular article advised against parents exposing their children to TV, video, computer until the age of 2 years old. GULP! That old? Sera was placed in front of the TV when she like 3 months old! Apparently, this so-called expert said that children below the age of 2 should be focusing on playing typical toys geared towards developing their motor skills, hand-eye coordination, sensory learning ... the list goes on. Ok, but what if I placed all her toys in front of the TV. Killing two birds with one stone? "No!", screamed the voice in the article. Fine ...

So that was how the TV issue came about. Yes, I can sometimes get a bit nutty, over-analytical and even fall into the trap of worrying about the side effects of excessive media exposure for Sera. But In my defense, this 'suddenly overcome by guilt' and you can even call it, neurotic behaviour lasts but a day, the very most. Johan, usually, indulges without questioning me and yesterday was no different. "Fine ... NO TV in front of Sera!" Err ... ok, I thought. That was easy and actually, I didn't say NO TV, zilch?

Actually, the NO TV mandate given by Johan was kind of forgotten. We spent most of the day at home, snucked out for a quick lunch. We had a very normal and even mundane day together but sometimes, those kind of days are really good ... actually they're the best kind.

p.s. By the way, the silly NO TV thingy lasted like after dinner when I just flopped on the sofa and sheepishly declared that I was turning on the TV, in the presence of Sera. Johan looked at me, gave me a strange look and said to Sera, "Your mother .... !" Whatever did he mean???

Waiting for Sera to wake up

Breakfast ...

What ... no TV!

No TV ... sigh ...

Johan reading 'Rainbow Bob'

Finally, he reads 'Humpety Trumpety' to Sera

Every child's favourite game ...

We did go for a very brief dip in the pool that wasn't so clean (thus the serious face on Johan), well, the deep end was green with you know what. Sera was very happy (can you tell from this photo?) while it lasted but as of this morning, she doesn't seem to be feeling so well. Not so sure if the pool water is to be blamed ... ? Shucks!

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