Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just a phase?

You see, Sera has been crying like a banshee this entire week when I drop her off at school. Yes, it's quite shocking really because she has never done this before, not even on her first day of school. Every morning, this week, it has been a struggle - getting her ready for school, getting her into the car, getting her out of the car, walking to the school gate, the three steps up to the main door. And when we finally pass the main door, she goes on her knees and starts her wailing. Goodness! I really don't know what has come over her? I try to soothe her ... but mostly in vain. She clings to my legs while I practically have to drag her to her classroom. She sees her teachers and friends and her cries grow even louder!

I, of course, am completely baffled and incredibly distraught over this change. I did have a talk with her teacher and the assistants but they say she is super fine and plays very well with the other children. In fact, she calms down very quickly the minute I walk away. That pacified me a little but I was still a little wary and honestly, filled with immense guilt. How could I do this to Sera, put her in school everyday? She's not even two years old! She's being traumatised at such a tender age ... !

So I did the most obvious thing I could think of, I let her stay home with me for two of the days ... and can I just say, it is not easy to entertain this girl. She is inexhaustible ... and I, on the other hand, am very exhaustible these days! Ha ha ... it's not really funny, but I was totally flat out those days she was with me the whole day. Just ask Johan.

So if it's just a phase, like her teacher had advised, I think I'll believe her and let Sera go to school as per normal, next week on.

She played with one of the neighbour's car ...

... while I was washing the patio

She played at the backyard while I was hanging the clothes

She goofed around the house, while I was folding the clothes

We painted for a while ...

And later in the afternoon, Kelyan came over to play. They painted more. But Sera decided to paint on her hands ...

... and her legs

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