Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's hot, so what else but to the pool!

Another pool time, but this time at Evan's club. Yes, that is apparently what we like to do, fizzle down in the water, from the yucky humid weather. The girls had a great time at the children's water play park. They were tireless, especially since they had been playing non-stop the whole afternoon indoors. I, on the other hand, was physically finished by dinner time but not Sera and Chloe, who were still raring to go in the indoor playground. Thanks Evan and Chloe for a great time!

Check out the water play park. That's Sera, to the left of this photo.

The water was very shallow, a bit too shallow for Sera to do her 'swimming'. So eventually,
she jumped into the adults' pool and gleefully said, "Swimming!"

The girls taking their shower. Chloe loved having the water sprayed all over her but Sera, unused
to having showers, was very wary of the spraying water.

See-saw, up and down! They continued their play, after dinner.

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