Friday, July 04, 2008

Enjoying the here and now ... while we wait.

It's been a week since ... and we're still pregnant and still waiting. This 'talk' I've been hearing about, "Oh the second baby always comes earlier or that the labour is shorter ...", it's not happening or at least, not with me. I always tell Sera she has 'to wait for the good things in life' so I guess I'm forced to practise what I so often 'preach' to her. PATIENCE. Anyway, here are some photos from this week which I've failed to post as yet, mostly because I've been anxious with waiting. Here's Sera, enjoying life ... oblivious to the wait. It's the here and now for her.

Coming back from a day of fishing. Johan was out at sea with Simon, Ben, Greg and Mei. Well, his version of fishing is really just sleeping and holding unto a hand reel.

Sera with auntie Mei, waiting for a fish to take a bite

With grand-uncle Simon, waiting for the fish to bite

Pick up from school

At the yacht club, Sera loved the pool slide

On land, she and Joseph take to the slide

Johan join Joseph, Sera and Marc on the swing

Sera on the springy horsey

Goofing around with Isaac, Jonathan and Timothy

Isaac just about to crash into Sera

All cleaned up. The kids enjoy while Isaac serenades them with the violin

Aaron and Sera fuelling up after all that play

Sera, auntie Fiona and Aaron

Taking a stroll at the jetty before dinner. Isaac, very protective of Sera, always holding her hands wherever they go. Sweet!

Isaac getting impatient with grandma's photo-taking and Sera, just plain tired

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