Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The unpacking begins

The 51, not 49, boxes have arrived from Doha ... finally. The real work really begins now. Ha ha. And can I just say how impossible it is to unpack with Sera and Yasmin around!!! So my darling Johan, don't come back home looking so confused that we've only unpacked two boxes!

We have been boxed in these past few days

Sera getting very excited as she realises that her toys are hidden in the sealed boxes

That's our kitchen and that's mama

Sera trying out her long lost clothes

Check out her patent boots, a gift from a neighbour in Doha. She refused to take them off and was tripping over everything

1 comment:

sunny daze said...

Miss Fashionista modelling the latest autumn/winter collection! I like the patent boots. :)