So since my last post, several things have happened.
Sera at school
Sera came back from school on Sunday, sad. First time in her short span of schooling years. She held out her finger and said she was bitten in school (this is actually the second biting incident that I'm aware of). Yah, apparently there is a 'biter' in her class and it's a girl. I was a little disturbed that this 'biter' was picking on Sera. Sera was visibly shaken and she even said she didn't want to go back to school. I was upset, of course, and called up her school to to have a chat with her teacher, Ms Trish.
Ms. Trish wasn't aware of any biting incident so I just let it go. I mean, I can imagine it's tricky trying to keep track of all 16 kids in her class. But she did share with me that Sera was 'Miss Popular' in class and that the "kids tend to gravitate towards her". Ha ha ha. I wanted to laugh but I managed a "oh is it?"
Anyway, Sera had yet another biting incident today and this time, Ms Trish reported it in the little blue notebook. Sera, I think has accepted that her fingers will get bitten once in a while, because she simply showed me her finger and asked me to kiss it. Oh dear, the things she has to go through ...
Sera and cereal
Sera has abandoned all food except for her sudden love of cereal and milk. She can eat cereal and milk for all three meals (if I let her). Right now, she's getting cereal and milk for breakfast and lunch. So by dinner time, unless I can whip up something so irresistably delicious, she'd push her dinner away and ask for cereal and milk. Yah, she can be that obnoxious!
Yasmin and her car seat
Yesterday morning, I decided to run some errands with her but it was a COMPLETE disaster. We were on the road for about 15 minutes (though it felt like 15 hours). She went completely berserk in her car seat! By the time we reached the mall, she was so tensed up and close to having fits. I was in tears when I saw her and I had the hardest time comforting her. In the mall, she let everyone know how traumatised she was by wailing at her lungs' full capacity. She eventually tired herself to sleep, during which time I managed to get some things done but you can only imagine the car ride back. I told Johan I'm never, ever going to do that to her again ... I'll only go to a mall if I can walk there with her in the carrier. Period.
So that's the highlights of the past few days, oh wait, I forget to mention that our fridge has broken down and our apartment has been overtaken by mosquitoes. Can you blame us for feeling overwhelmed?

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