Thursday, May 19, 2011

Little moments

I share my days with the girls and there are often instances like this one, goofing around on the monkey bar, where I just stand there and literally laugh out loud! Sera and Yasmin, as siblings, are very close. Sera for the most part takes on her role as big sister very seriously and Yassy looks up to Sera, adoringly. But it doesn't always go this way. Both girls have been blessed with very strong characters and inevitably, fiery tempers. On bad days, our home sounds very similar to the likes of a fish market. But we always strive for good, happy days!

So yesterday, walking back together from Sera's bus stop, Yassy starts hoping on one leg. She is thrilled and can't stop her one-legged hop. We're all clapping and encouraging her. Sera joins in too. But ... plop, Yassy trips and on her knees she goes. Opps! The end of that happy discovery. But she can hop on one leg ... now that's a big deal.

Yassy has been trying to go on the monkey bar since she watched her sister breeze through it

But so far, she only collapses on her sister ... well at least Sera always catches her in time


21SAS said...


21SAS said...