Johan has NEVER seen me dance before, well if you consider the dance we did at our wedding party, yah that was the one time. I've seen Johan dance and well ... it was interesting. He doesn't believe I can dance, well I'm not a dancer but I can move to the music without making a fool of myself. So anyway, I doubt I'll ever prove him wrong or feel that I have to ... just because it has become a little awkward. Anyway ... Sera has another great love and that is dancing! Ha ha. She has her own unique style, which never fails to make Johan and I laugh. Her dancing is free-spirited and she's not fussy with the music. She can be in the car, strapped in her car seat and dancing to a tune on the radio. She dances to the advertisements on the TV. She dances to Indian and even Arab music. And if I say, "Sera, let's dance!", she'll dance on cue. Hmm, I wonder where and from whom she got this dancing bug from?
Sera loves this dress because it swishes when she moves ...
Here she is dancing and singing to 'Wheels on the Bus'
The harmonica, one of the instruments that came in the musical box from Sinterklaas. She tried to play it for a few days but wasn't successful ...
But one evening, she succeeded ...
She went on and on, blowing into the harmonica and eventually dancing to her own music
She was happy ... and even applauded herselfThe harmonica has been taken from her for a while, left to dry because she hasn't mastered the art of blowing into it without her saliva.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS......Grandfather,and grandmother Gaston Rossanigo.Abu Silvia y Abu Luis
Kiss for Sera and mother and father
Sera you look like a salsa dancer in that pretty blue dress. And I can see Johan is really enjoying Sera's little recital. See you real soon!
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