Thursday, April 24, 2008

Simple pleasures

It's a (sluggish) Friday morning, the start of another weekend. Phew! I'm currently in a slightly (zombi-fied) state of Korean soap opera overdose. Ha ha. Blame it on mama!!! Nah. It's all my fault. Admittedly, the story lines are incredibly over-the-top but they are embarrassingly addictive.

Anyway, some photos of Sera at school ... to usher in the weekend. Enjoy, have fun and ... relax!

Every morning, for 45 minutes, the kids get to splash and play

Sera looks on while Ms Georgina sorts out a ''This is my see-sawwwwwww!!!!' problem between the little girls

Ahhh, the simple pleasure of spraying water

Kelyan and Sera watching a Korean drama ... just kidding, they're watching 'Huckle and Lowly'

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