Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturdays at great grandpa and grandma's

Saturday evenings are spent at my grandparent's house. The whole family gathers so there's many people, lots to eat and of course, a lot of noise. And Sera loves going to Cho Kong and Cho cho's house for that very reason. She'll spent the whole Saturday asking to go to Cho Kong's house because she knows what's in store. All her uncles, aunties and cousins (between the ages of 3 and 10) would be there, most of the time teasing and refusing to play with her (ha ha, typical boys!). And all her grandaunts and uncles giving lots of attention. Ah, what more could she ask for!

Just before we left for Cho Kong's house, she tends to her baby, swaddling her in a nappy and singing to her

Sera trying to figure out the toys that her uncles and cousins play

Gathering around Yasmin. They're all curious and discuss her as if she was a strange specimen. Sera is very protective, as usual, and makes sure she seats next to Yasmin, eyeing the audience

They take turns to 'poke' and 'nudge' Yasmin ... ha ha

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