Sunday, October 19, 2008

I've become my mother

Sunday morning. It's Scarecrow Day at school and I didn't prepare any fancy dress for Sera. What to do ... what to do? Accessorise that's what I'll do!

"Sera, today is Scarecrow day at school. So you'll have to wear something special yah." (I've learned to pre-empt her nowadays)

"Yah!" (She was fairly curious and excited. She was more interested in her breakfast)

"So ... you'll wear your straw hat and a scarf ok?" (I thought those two accessories would do the trick of looking a little bit like a scarecrow)

"Ok!" (Still only interested in her breakfast)

So we're about to dress up and she spots the scarf on the floor. She eyes it suspiciously.

"Here Sera, it goes around neck."

"Nooooooooooo .... it's too big!"

"It's not too big, it looks really nice!"
(Oh no, there's going to be a tussle over this silly scarf, I just know it)

"Nooooooooooo ... I don't want it, I don't like it!"

"Sera, please ... "
(Yes, I'm pleading with my two year old to wear this stupid scarf so that she'd look a little like a scarecrow!!!)


"Sera, do you want to go to school?"


"Then, you have to wear this scarf ... or else, no school."

Oh gosh, did I just say that? I just did a typical mother-child 'blackmail' right? And it so happened that my own mama was in the bathroom then (she was bathing Yasmin). I looked at her and knowingly commented, "You did that to me too right?"

(with a sheepish grin)

I've become my mother.

Sera did wear the scarf and the straw hat, with a major pout. Her teacher did exclaim that she looked like a scarecrow (points for this mama). Sera, however, refused to let me take a photo, thus I have none to show. Oh well, you win some ... and you lose some. 'grin'.

1 comment:

sunny daze said...

Yes, yes, yes! This blackmail thing, I think every mummy do this. You want to go to school, then do this. Hahaha... Makes our life a little easier at times, lesser fights. :)