Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pool time

The nice thing about summer here is that many families flee back to their home country or escape to cooler countries ... meaning that the swimming pool is wonderfully quiet. We went to the pool this morning after a hearty breakfast of pancakes. As usual, it got everyone all excited and their tummies satisfied. The girls had a great time at the pool. Yasmin was preoccupied with her pail and watering can. Sera and I were swimming in the big pool, 'saving' bees that were struggling in the water. And Johan stayed in the shade and out of the deliciously cool water. It was such a perfect start to a promising day together!

All ready for the pool and picking flowers on the way

This one is the 'pool jumper' who has no fear!. This time round, she managed to stay a float without drinking too much water.

The girls and I hanging out in the kiddy pool.

Sera decided to wear her goggles today (after having it for more than 6 months). She was practising going underwater and swimming to the edge of the pool and back to me. I know, talk about ambitious but she had a few good attempts.

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