Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Playing indoors

The hot weather has finally descended .... and it feels, with a fiery vengeance. Ok, maybe it's just me not used to it but sometimes, I don't think I'll ever get used to it, albeit living in the middle east for 5 years. So anyway, the air conditioning is running 24/7 and the girls are preferring to stay indoors or in the pool. The trick is to keep them entertained indoors. 'wink'

Sera, luckily, is starting to show immense interest in art and craft. She is very easily content to sit at the table or her easel doodling away. Oh and just an update on her ballet, it isn't happening. ha ha. I'm afraid my Sera is not very passionate about ballet, at least for now. Yassy is also easy to entertain at home. She is so curious about anything that her interest is piqued at the littlest things. But her one big thing at the moment is cycling her tricycle, which she does all over the apartment.

Hope every is healthy and enjoying the coming Summer!

Just got this easel for Sera from Ikea, where else, and she is loving it.

Yassy on the tricycle ... going under the 'bridge' (Sera at the table drawing away)

Oh dear, I can't understand this smile of hers. ha ha

The girls goofing around after dinner

1 comment:

Finlay said...

Hi des,
it' steph here, mel's sister. Haven't really been following your blog but your girls look absolutely lovely. Am assuming that you're still in Dubai. We may be relocating to Abu Dhabi and was wondering if you had any tips or suggestions re. moving to Abu Dhabi etc. Would also love to catch up once i'm there. Will confirm dates etc. You can mail me at
Looking forward to hearing from u.
