Monday, September 01, 2008

The longest weekend ever

I welcomed the weekend with some anxiety. I'm going to sound like a 'baby' but you see, since Yasmin's arrival, there was always someone to tend to Sera, be it Johan, grandma or oma and opa when they were here on a visit. This weekend, for an extended amount of time, I had the challenge of looking after both girls without my mama dearest. Gulp! I was determined to try, somehow.

It didn't bode well when Sera, an hour or so after waking up on Saturday, started to show signs of a drippy nose. Groan. Yup, and it just got worse. Sera when sick, is slightly less cheery but now with Yasmin around, she appeared to be more clingy and wanted my attention. So it was me carrying Yasmin in one arm and Sera strapped to my leg. It was a 'desperately comical' juggling act and oh, did I also mention I was nursing the last bit of a sore throat and a cold? By the time mama came back from her errands, I was totally totally defeated. Ha ha.

Sunday morning, I woke up, still traumatised from the day before. Again, grandma had errands to run so this determined mama was going to try her hardest to make it a pleasant morning for all. It wasn't too bad ... hey, maybe with more practise, I could just wing it!

Monday morning. It started early with Yasmin refusing to go back to sleep after her last morning feed. So while I played with her in bed, in walks Sera.

"Where's grandma?" (hmm, this girl can be quite the bossy little one hey?)
"Sweetie, grandma had to go out for a while."

"To buy food for Sera?"
(grandma = one who provides for her daily nutrition)
"No, she had to run an errand with uncle Greg."

"Uncle Greg?"

"Yes, Isaac and Aaron's papa."
"Isaac and Aaron at Cho kong's house?" (Cho kong's house is where she meets them on Saturday evenings)
"Yes Sera."

Yasmin by then, needs my attention so I start to prepare her for her bath. Sera tails me closely, still hot in her barrage of questions.

"Mama, I want milk."
"Ok, but after breakfast."
"I want breakfast ... cheese and bread and milk."
"Ok, but can I first bathe Yasmin and then mama will prepare your breakfast."
"I want breakfast .... I want cheese, bread and milk ... " (Groan ... her understanding of waiting and concept of time is still premature, I guess)

So for the next 10 minutes or so, while I try to give Yasmin a semblance of a bath, I try to pacify my lovely first daughter who was apparently ravenous. Sera's escalating 'I want breakfast' chanting had agitated Yasmin to a point of a screaming fit. I'm sure she loves Sera to bits but her thunderous voice can often times, undo her. Sera eventually got her breakfast - bread, cheese and milk. Phew. I looked at the clock and it was only 7.30am. What time did mama say she was coming back?

Mama did come back as promised (bless her!) and I hurried out to the doctor's. I was sick. Truly. My throat felt severely inflamed and my nose was creating massive havoc. The doctor prescribed me medicine but no MC. Shucks!

I'm feeling a little hazy at the moment, could be from a lot of things other than the medication. Yasmin is asleep. Sera is out with mama on an errand. Honestly, how did our grandmothers handle 6, 8, 10 kids? They must have been or became 'truly insane'!

Saturday morning. I get Sera to cook for her 'friends'. So while I was carrying Yasmin, I instruct her to bring out her table, chairs, soft toys and her cooking set. Time spent playing: about 10 minutes.

Saturday afternoon. Blowing bubbles on the balcony. This, she really enjoyed.

Saturday night, 10.30PM. I'm practically sleeping while sitting on the floor, playing with her. Why isn't Yasmin asleep yet?

Her new toy, a wooden Frog dangler. She played with it for nearly 20 minutes.

Sunday afternoon. Grandma resorted to this, letting them sleep together. Grandma was trying to put Yasmin to bed, Sera too wanted to sleep but wanted Grandma to put her to bed. So she decided both should share the bed. Genius but it was a little tricky.

Sunday early evening. We took the girls for a walk in the compound. Sera was clearly better, running around and even sneaking to the edge of the pool.

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