Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Is it already October?

I'm trying to remember the past week and more. It was busy, you know, routine busy kind of week. Yasmin was down with a stomach bug that lasted an entire day. It was bad for her and terribly messy for me. She left a trail of her sickness (at five different places to be exact).

Then we had a pretty good weekend, too much fun and probably sun, I think. So we started this week feeling unusually tired. Sera is now battling (for a few days already) a bad cough and a very congested nose. She hasn't been to school for a few days so that means, I've been busy. Very busy with the girls!

But the weekend is approaching and we're looking forward to it ... we're going for a short getaway, out of Dubai. Promise to be back with some good stories and photos!

Johan took the girls out on Saturday morning while I went for a yoga session. They went to the Atlantis, The Lost Chamber, and he managed to take this one decent enough shot ...

The girls snacking on the blueberry muffins

* No photos of our afternoon at the beach. So just picture Sera happily jumping into wave, catching crabs and oh she was the only naked chick on the beach. Yas was all chilled playing on the sand and collecting sea shells. We had packed a light dinner and only left after the sun had set.

We had lunch on our balcony yesterday ... what a difference when I bring out the 'magic red mat'!

1 comment:

sunny daze said...

Yoga!! Did you say yoga session?! Awww.... I missed that and miss our sessions together. Our green apple, carrot and celery juice after that.