Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The girls started the weekend feeling under the weather. Sera skipped school on Thursday and then, Yassy skipped school on Friday. Sniffling noses and weepy eyes. Johan returned from Manzanillo on Friday past midnight, exhausted. So we welcomed Saturday with some lethargy. And the family that rests together, recuperates together. On Sunday morning, we were up early and raring to go for a cycle on the Reforma. We almost made it to the Zocalo but the kids got distracted by a huge carousel along the way and anyway, it was time for a pit stop. The kids did well, and I think the biggest applause goes to Yassy who was on her bike all the way.


Before the start line

Slow and steady

Pit stop

The girls can never resist a carousel ride

A typical manifestation on Reforma

Back home and bikes in the bodega

Back on the couch


Phillis said...

Ha, ha ... i like the 'Saturday' pose!

WOW! the carousel has stairs! Looks majestically impressive, but somehow there's this daunting feeling.

Phillis said...

A pedal bike for Yassy soon?