Tuesday, April 01, 2008


My poor Sera has been attacked by the wretched Hand, Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD). It all started with the rashes that I noticed on her feet after picking her up from school on Sunday morning. The red spots were all over the soles of her feet. I also noticed that she had a terrible rash all over her buttocks. Yesterday, I noticed spots on her hands. And then, I realised she had that little sore on her lip since Saturday? My gut told me something was wrong and by the time I spoke to mama, I was certain she had contacted HFMD. Gulp! My sentiments were exactly the words that Sera have been using of late ... "What Happened?"

Anyway, last night, just when we were about to put Sera to bed, we decided to go to the hospital just to get a proper diagnosis. The wait for the doctor was long but Sera, though supposedly diseased, was in high spirits waving at everyone and thrilled that she was out with her parents and not in bed. The doctor very quickly confirmed that she had HFMD but assured us that the virus would eventually go away, we just had to give Sera time to naturally 'battle' it and to monitor her temperature. No specific medication was given, just something to soothe her inflamed throat.

So Sera and I will be staying indoors for a while, till she is un-diseased.



Mouth (see that tiny sore below her right mouth + her inflamed throat)

Disease ... well, she still looks pretty healthy and is quietly fighting the virus

1 comment:

sunny daze said...

Why is there this horrible HFMD? GO AWAY! Sera, hope you get well really really soon. :) Hugs!